:: Latest Work ::

The turquoise tabs have made their home on a handstitched deerhide choker-length cord, and they look so beautiful there.  I will photograph and list the necklace, probably on Etsy, in the next couple of days.  A new piece is evolving and the worktable is strewn with beads in olive green, bronze and silver.  I had the idea to do a set of extra-long strands of very fine beads, all anchored with small pendants, that would layer together.  The first one is done and it looks gorgeous.  At least one more, and maybe two, will be made, and when they're done they will all be listed together.  I have a lot going on this week...today I'm taking my son out for his 28th birthday (28..!) but they should be appearing somtime around this weekend.  As always, life and the creative process are unpredictable at best.